When Kivra, one of Sweden’s leading digital mailbox providers, launched in Finland in February of 2020 they were one of the first businesses to offer open banking payments in Europe. Using Neonomics Payments, Kivra’s users could now initiate direct account-to-account (A2A) payments to pay invoices directly from their Kivra mailbox. This made it faster and easier for their customers to pay their invoices in-app, while significantly reducing the invoice settlement time for their customers compared to manual bank transfers – a win-win for both Kivra’s customers and end users. As a result, Kivra has seen user adoption of A2A payments increase by more than 250 percent over the last year.
Kivra was also the first company in Finland to make scheduled A2A payments available to their users. Using Neonomics scheduled payments feature Kivra users can decide which date the invoice payment shouldbe processed on when they first receive the invoice, so that they won't accidentally forget or miss the due date. Scheduled payments now make up around 15 percent of their transaction volume.