How can we help?

Welcome to Nello and Neonomics - your open banking platform for fast and secure payments and account data.

Below, you will find answers to the most commonly asked questions., or just reach out to our support team - we’re happy to help!

Got questions? We got answers.

Neonomics shows up on my bank statement, why is that?

When a payment is made through Neonomics, we are the entity that is initiating the payment. In some cases, a bank will use the name of the payment initiator as the basis of what shows up on the bank statement.

What is Neonomics?

Neonomics is a Norwegian payment institution licensed by the Financial Supervisory Authority of Norway to provide payment initiation services and account information services. Neonomics created Nello, our product-suite created for end-users.

How does a payment with Neonomics work?

When you initiate a payment using a merchant or invoice provider, you first have to provide consent authorized with Secure Customer Authentication (BankID, MitId or similar), which enables a secure connection to your personal bank account. You must then provide another consent authorized with Secure Customer Authentication to make a payment from your chosen account (enabled through Neonomics’ Payment Initiation Service). Your consent instructs us to initiate a payment  from your personal bank account, on your behalf.

Is it secure to make a payment with Neonomics?

Yes, it is secure to use Neonomics.

When you initiate a payment using a merchant or invoice provider, you first have to provide consent authorized with Secure Customer Authentication (BankID, MitID or similar), which enables a secure connection to your personal bank account. You must then provide another consent authorized with Secure Customer Aauthentication to make a payment from your chosen account (using Neonomics’ Payment Initiation Service).  Your consent instructs us to initiate a payment  from your personal bank account, on your behalf.

What data does Neonomics process about you?

When you authorize Neonomics  access to your bank or when a digital service provider uses our services on your behalf, we will have access to your account data that is required for the service you are using. Depending on how you interact with us and for what purpose, we collect and process different types of personal data about you, but never more than is necessary to perform the specific service you have requested. For example, if you are making a payment and request Neonomics to fetch information from your bank, we will only receive and use account name, account balance, account type, the name of the account owner, but not transaction history. If you request the product Account Insights, we will also fetch transaction history, as this is necessary to perform this service.

How does Neonomics use and store data? 

Neonomics will only process data that is necessary for processing the requested payment. Neonomics will only store the data until the purpose of the service is fulfilled and in line with legal obligations and rights.

Why does Neonomics ask for transaction history, and how do you use it?

When Neonomics Account Information Services are used by the merchant or invoice provider, we are sending a request to the bank to retrieve account information. In this request, the bank will provide access to account details for the specific accounts where you have provided consent, this access includes account details such as balance and transaction history for the account. However, just because the bank provides this information, does not mean that the merchant or invoice provider you are using, will hold or use this information. In the case of a payment, we are only using the information that is necessary for initiating an individual payment. We do not use this AIS consent for anything else. For information on how your service providers process your data, please refer to their terms and conditions. Neonomics is fully committed to protecting your individual rights and keeping your personal data safe.

How can I contact support in case of having trouble with transactions, privacy related issues or just raise a complaint?

Just fill our Customer Support Form and we’ll be in touch soon.

I have been deducted multiple times for the same transfer. What do I do?

Contact your bank. Depending on why this happened, it is their responsibility to refund your money. You can fill out the form below if you need additional information or support. We are always happy to help you.

If I pay, when does the payment go through

Neonomics is sending a request to initiate a payment from your account,  it is the responsibility of the bank to execute the payment. Depending on the bank, this can take anywhere between 2-3 banking days.

What is the Neonomics User Profile and what are the benefits of having a profile?

The Neonomics User Profile is a feature that enables you to save your information and makes performing your future payments through Neonomics even faster.

Why do we ask to save your information in Neonomics User Profile?

When saving your account number in the profile it will remove the need to fetch your account details in the future and allow you to go straight to making your payments. We do not use your saved information for anything else besides making your own payments more simple. You can think of this similarly to saving your card details for later use with other payment providers.

Who do I contact if I have any questions about my Neonomics User Profile?

You can contact us by clicking the “Support” button above, or click here.

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Neonomics AS is licensed as a Payment Institution (PI), Payment Initiation Service Provider (PISP) and Account Information Service Provider (AISP), issued by the Norwegian Financial Supervisory Authority (Finanstilsynet) passported across the EU.

The Smart Request Company Ltd (trading as Ordo and Nello) is a company registered in England and Wales (company number 11338545) whose registered office is 1 High Street, Thatcham RG19 3JG. Nello is authorised by the UK’s Financial Conduct Authority to provide Payment Initiation Services and Account Information Services under FRN: 836070.
Neonomics AS is licensed as a Payment Institution (PI), Payment Initiation Service Provider (PISP) and Account Information Service Provider (AISP), issued by the Norwegian Financial Supervisory Authority (Finanstilsynet) passported across the EU.
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